Representative Steny Hoyer Recovering After Stroke

He has reportedly responded well to treatment and will return to work next week.

Representative Steny Hoyer had a “mild ischemic stroke“ on Sunday but is responding well to medical treatment, his office said on Tuesday. He experienced an “ischemic stroke” and has “no lingering symptoms.”

“He expects to resume his normal schedule next week,” his office stated. “Mr. Hoyer’s wife and family extend their deepest thanks to his medical team.”

Representative Hoyer is 85 years old and has held multiple leadership positions in Congress since he was first elected in 1981. He served as the majority leader of the House twice under House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, retiring from his leadership position in 2023. He plans to run for reelection in his Maryland district this upcoming November. 

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Congressman Hoyer to heal and fully recover from the mild stroke.
  • For wisdom for the congressman’s physicians and medical personnel as he receives treatment.

Sources: Reuters,, UPI


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